Ideas for Samsung Health


Some of the ideas I havs
Hello members,
I had some ideas for S Health, which you can see above! Some may like them, maybe others don't. I hope you'll find interest for it!
1. Having a feature from the Wearable to calculate our time we stood (Standing Time, something which has been seen from concurrents as well). Having some feedback on the weekly report about this is also a good thing to be included in the future, like how many hours are healthy.
2. Maybe the app giving more advice on what I can improve, and anything else really! For example for heart rates, sleep and blood oxygen... My app could notify me if the watch has registered a long time with an higher heart rate, or my blood oxygen level (if its possible technically, I only know it records SpO2 during sleep) was too low for a longer time, so my smartwatch theoretically could give some ideas on what may happen (possible insomnia, maybe a cold coming up soon; would be really cool!)
3. Having data from family members as well, maybe you could use the connection of the Samsung Account to make it possible to add family members with a special function and be able to view their health info.
4. Adding Breathing (so you know how many times you breathed per minute), maybe the app also could point out differences to whats normal breathing, that may help people who tend to have problems with breathing, who tend to have some forms of hyperventilation and more... As i said just ideas *1f61b.png* ~happy Samsung user


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