Worst Service by Samsung

Dear all,
I Bought Samsung S20 ultra last year, By mistake i drop my device and Front/back glass are broken regarding this i went to near by service Center Köln, Germany to get my service repaired and after a week i received a call from samsung service center that they cannot repair my device due to shortage of spares and returned my device and i asked them to help me in repair (waiting period is not a problem) but they said it is not possible.
I dont know why the samsung is struggling, last year flagship mobile is not been able to repaired,
I am a Samsung lover and user since 2014, I have been started using samsung dlagship from S4 to S21ultra now, but this incident make me to think about future purchase in Samsung.
I am really very disappointed


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Well, you might have heard about corona and that causes shortage in everything at the moment. Especially in chips or spare parts for electronics. And that affects all manufacturers, Samsung is not the only one. Of course that's frustrating, but there is nothing you can do at the moment.
But i had a similar issues with Iphone and i got a resolution in 45mins (iphone 12 pro) 2020 flagship
Have you tried to contact the support and maybe they can repair it, if you send it in.

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