S23 ultra battery

Nur zur Info:
Ich komme mit meinem S23 Ultra, bei 50% Bildschirmhelligkeit, FHD+, Bildwiederholrate adaptiv und gemischter Nutzung (Samsung Members, YouTube, YouTube Music, Samsung Internet Browser) auf ca. 8% Akkuverbrauch pro Stunde DOT.

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Thank u very much I'll buy the original one .can u tell me the battery usage is normal or not ?5hour screen on time
I've told you already about this.

It will always depend on your usage. Eg. Settings, apps used etc.

Let's say you use some app which eats 10% of battery per hour, and I use one which eats 5%. Obviously, I will get other results as yours, which doesn't mean yours are bad or mine are normal.

It has to be fine for you. However 5h SoT seems somewhat low. Judging from your screenshot, with this usage , you should get around 9h SoT... Maybe use it for a day, and post a long screenshot with all apps used here.

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